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Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy.

America first. Plain and simple. National interests over global interests. One theme and one sentence that can change it all.

For many years, as far back as Kennedy and possibly as far back as George Washington, global powers and the elite of the world have been running the show.Their reach extends to every corner of our globe and we have all felt the heat from their all seeing eyes. Donald Trump put them on notice today. His foreign policy speech was a total and complete one hundred and eighty degree turn from the policies of the last two decades. The contrast was made all the more stark, if viewed through the lens of the failed policies and blunders of the last eight years.

I am a Canadian, but I am an american too. I watch American television, I read American news and I even have an American accent, due to the fact that I live so close to the border. When I traveled abroad, I was considered to be an American, even when I clarified the fact that I was Canadian. I take pride in this. I was glad to be associated with the American dream, even if it is on life support and nearly-dead.

I was deeply inspired by Donald Trumps speech today. It was filled with hope and a clear message that should resonate with every American. No more back seat for the American people. Its time to take the wheel again. Its time for change, not the so-called change that swept Obama into office. Real change. Not a new direction, but an old direction, revived and brushed off. The statue of Liberty straightened up, just a little today. It shone a bit more brightly. For too long she has been bent over and neglected. Her pride and her power hidden under a wet blanket of apologies and sheepish shame.

The strong nation- state is the foundation of our Western Civilization. And the strongest and most inspiring of those nation states was and will be America. It's not too late. America has everything it needs to surge ahead in the world once more. Innovation, determination, guts, national pride and altruistic strength still surge in hearts in every state of the Union. Constitutional zeal is still alive, in spite of the fact that it has been beaten down and stifled for so many years.

A strong nation must be willing to stand alone sometimes. A strong nation must be willing to make a stand against tyranny and any aggressive force rallied against it. A strong nation must mind its own affairs first. Any parent knows that they must look out for their own children, before they can even think about helping other children. A good husband knows that the needs and desires and the sanctity of his wife must be paramount above all else, if he wants his home to prosper. For too long, the wolves at the door have been allowed to huff and puff to the point where the house has nearly been blown down.

President Kennedy knew this. He loved his country, first and foremost. When faced with naked aggression in the form of the Cuban Missile Crisis, he stood up to that aggression tit for tat. The world came to the brink of disaster, but when it was all said and done, the bully backed off. President Kennedy won the day and sent a clear message to the world. No one questioned his strength and determination after that.

It has been said that there is one speech that got Kennedy killed. John F Kennedy spoke of freedom, though limited by a sensitivity to the best interests of his homeland, the nation state of America. He railed against any attempt to stifle this freedom, whether it be covert or overt. He emphasized that freedom comes with a responsibility and deference to the bosom providing that freedom. Finally, he railed against secret societies. It is my belief that he was speaking directly to the globalists, those hidden in the shadows who would undermine the national interests of America in favor of an internationally governed, top down and feudalistic global model. His words still resonate to this day, because the forces of globalization are long winded and patient, reaching across generations.

It was a long time before America would see another president with such vision and back bone. His name was Ronald Reagan. Reagan reinvigorated America for a time. He was a true leader and once again, he stood up to the bullies of this world. He is credited with the fall of Communism and the end of the cold war. The credit is due, even though the opportunity that he provided was squandered in the years to follow. Reagan was a nationalist. He put America first and she prospered under his steady hand. I don't know many who would disagree with these facts.

Today, America is faced with a choice, more of the same or real change. I believe Donald Trump when he speaks. His blunders belie his honestly and integrity. Sometimes he speaks before he thinks. He has said some controversial things. How fresh that is in this age of scripted puppets who cow tow to their big money contributors, powerful lobbyists and the top one tenth of one percent. They know where their bread is buttered and they have grown fat and lazy on it, at the expense of national pride and prosperity. The fact that Donald Trump has funded his entire campaign sets him apart in the most important way. He will be free to follow his heart and his conscience as president.

I wish I could vote in this election. It is a monumental time for America. The hour is late and the flames are dim. This election will determine the fate of the greatest nation the world has ever known. Will China rule the world in the next century? Will Russia continue to show more leadership than America in the middle east? Will America continue to falter under the yoke of the global elite? Only time and the casting of the ballot will tell. I will watch and hope, wishing well for my protective and inspiring neighbor. May God bless the United states of America.

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