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President Rodrigo "Rody" Duterte give Sona, July 25, 2016

Today is a special day in the Philippines. The newly sworn in president of the nation will give his first serious speech on policies he will pursue and attempt to pass through congress. It's been reported that the President wrote his own speech. This is just like his excellency. It's a breath of fresh air, badly needed in a country that's still considered third World. An aide was allowed to read the speech and was moved to tears. I can't wait to hear it myself.

What I already know comes from an impeccable track record when Rodrigo Duterte was mayor of Davao, in the southern Philippines. His time in office turned that city around, from one of the most dangerous in the islands, to the fourth safest city in the world. This wasn't done with fancy words or promises. It was done with sleeves rolled up and determination. Action made the difference. Anything done on a small scale can be replicated on a large scale. That's my hope and prayer for the days to come.

Already, there's a curfew in effect, keeping children off the streets after ten at night and holding parents responsible. The family unit is the core of any healthy society and family discipline is a responsibility of any parent. There's no reason for a child or person nearing their teenage years to be on the streets after dark. They should be home in bed or with their parents. They should be helping their mothers and fathers prepare for the next day, taking share in the household workload. In my opinion, this could go even further. A youth core could be implemented where young people are taught values and discipline. These youth could clean up garbage for instance. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, as they say.

In the last weeks, 85 000 drug users and pushers have turned themselves in vowing to change their ways. They call this the "Duterte effect". This is a huge step in the right direction and the spin off will be exponential. After getting clean and reforming, these individuals will find themselves fit for society once more. With clear heads, they will be able to return to whatever sphere of influence they inhavbit. If they are a father, they will be able to live that out in a better way. If they are an employee, they will be more productive. If they are depressed, they will find hope again, as their senses are restored. Instead of turning to the trap of drug addiction for relief from what ails them, they will learn to find pleasure in a life well lived. Husbands will find solace in the arms of their wives once more, and wives will learn to trust their partners as they grow in health and reliability.

As for the death penalty, it's a necessary deterrent, with the state of current affairs. In his forward looking way, the President does not focus on blame. He forgets the past and presses on for real solutions. He offers a firm hand on the rudder once more, steering a course for the restoration of law and order and eventually, improved prosperity for his beloved homeland. This has nothing to do with pride, in fact it denotes real humility. Anyone willing to serve their country by risking popularity in favor of the betterment of all is humble to the core. Any public servant can follow this example. Enforced laws are the cornerstone of national stability. A famous American politician once said, "walk softly, but carry a big stick." The death penalty is the big stick. The presidents humility, refusing to be called his excellency for example, is his way of walking softly.

Another plus is the promise of rooted out corruption. When I was in the Philippines, I heard of corruption everywhere. People were frustrated and cynical about government and agencies of such. This frustration breeds complacency and a lack of ambition. If the game is rigged, why even play? That was the attitude I saw everywhere I went. As I watch the news from Canada, I see renewed hope and vitality in the national spirit. These will surely lead to determination and the tenacity to overcome. If the President and his agencies care about the people, the people can care about themselves again. A fair and just society will climb once more, reaching for new heights.

Such is the renewed hope inspired by our new President. You might wonder why I say "our President" when I currently reside in Canada. I may live abroad but my heart abides in the Philippines with my wife and family. I intend to return to them soon, and when I get off the plane, I look forward to the experience. I want to feel the enthusiasm as I join the throng and help in the rebuilding efforts in any way I can. It's my belief that the Philippines will become an example for not only Asia, but also the rest of the world. Once again, the sun is shining in the Philippines. There is a saying used to attract foreign tourism that states, "its always sunny in the Philippines" only now it will ring true once more for all the globe to hear.

Manila used to be called the pearl of the orient. I believe the day will come when the Philippines will rise to such a place that the whole nation will be called the pearl of Asia. All the potential is there, now it must and will be realized.

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